Tag: Painting

Craft, Paint & Color (Adults) ~ Mondays from 12:30 – 2:30 PM

  Come unwind, de-stress and create every Monday at 12:30 as we gather to dabble in painting, coloring or creative crafts using oil, acrylic, watercolor, pen and pencil. Individuals work on canvas, wood, sketchpads and coloring books. This nice size group is comprised of folks that are both friendly and creative.  Please register to attend. Research shows that creative activities help you relax. This is an open time so feel… Read more

Artwork on Display until October 25th

Jackie’s No Fear Painters is the title she’s given the artwork now on display. Jackie Cunningham has been teaching oil painting since she retired as a way to share her gift. Over the years, many people in the area (and outside it) have joined her for a two-hour weekly class. This exhibit showcases local artists, past and present, who have come together for fun, friendship and to fulfill their passion… Read more

Featured Artist: Mary Ann Eldred ~ Artwork on Display in August and September

The Library is hosting an exciting exhibit of Mary Ann Eldred paintings during August and September.  Mary Ann began painting in 1989. Mary Ann Eldred’s work primarily focuses on the New England landscape, though she loves to work on still life’s and wildlife from time to time. “Capturing the effect of light on either subject is a lovely challenge. All seasons, but especially spring and fall, provide me the opportunity… Read more

Painting with Watercolors ~ Tif Farmakis-Day – Thursday, 9/12 at 6 PM

Discover the wonders and challenges of painting with watercolor. Students will learn how to create depth and luminosity in their work through the glazing process while also learning to “let loose” and embrace the “happy accidents.” Please stop by the front circulation desk to register today.  A $5.00 non-refundable materials fee is due at time of registration (Cash only please). Artist, Tiffany T. Farmakis-Day enjoys exploring a variety of mediums,… Read more

ADVENTURES in Painting with Pixie Yates (Youth): Wednesday, 7/10/24- TWO CLASSES

Pixie will guide children using watercolor painting in a mat frame that they can paint on. This is an expressive art project using, tape, watercolor paints, printing, and salt. Unlock the adventure in your children’s imagination by signing them up for this class. Please be mindful of the age grouping. Kimball Library cardholders will have priority. 4 PM– Register kids entering grades K-5 6 PM– Register kids ages 10 and… Read more