Kimball Library
Home Bound Services Program
5 Academy Ave, Atkinson, NH 03811
Telephone (603) 362-5234
Thank you for your interest in our Home Bound Services program.
This information sheet has been developed to help answer questions you may have regarding how this service operates. We want anyone and everyone who wishes to receive home services to have all the information needed to make an informed decision about whether or not these services will meet your needs. You will find a brochure attached to this information sheet, which highlights basic information about the Home Bound Service Program at the Kimball Library.
Getting Started: Once the decision to be part of the Home Bound Services Program has been made. A profile sheet detailing what types of materials you would be interested in, as well as other important information that will be assistance to us in serving you, is filled out. One very important piece of information we appreciate having is a contact, either family or friend, that we can be in touch with or who can call us in an emergency situation. We prefer to personally sit down with you to fill out the profile sheet, but if that is not possible, we could complete the form by phone or can be sent to us by mail or fax.
Loan Period: The loan period is four weeks for print materials and non-print materials such as audio books, magazines, and music CD’s. Non-print materials such as DVD’s* have a two week loan period. One renewal is permitted providing there are no other patrons waiting for the materials. In the event there are holds on the materials you have in your possession, we would ask that you return them at your earliest convenience so that we can get the materials to the patrons who are waiting. When you receive your materials from the library, a printed list of the titles and number of materials that have been checked out to you will accompany the materials. The print out will also ask you to rate the materials on a scale of 1 to 10. A rating of “10” means you thought the print or non-print material was great and a rating “1” means you did not enjoy the material. Any other comments regarding the materials that have been checked out to you are welcome as well.
Contact: You will receive a phone call midway through the loan period on the materials you have checked out. This gives us an opportunity to touch bases with you to see how you are doing with the materials you have and when you will be ready for more.
*DVD’s eligible for the two week loan periods are more than 6 months old. DVD’s less than 6 months old are not eligible for this program. No more than two DVD’s will be loaned at one time.