T/ween Book Discussion: Wednesday, 3/6/24 @ 6 PM

The book of the month is “The Cat I Never Named,” by Amra Sabic-El-Rayess:  A True Story of Love, War, and Survival.

The stunning memoir of a Muslim teen struggling to survive the Bosnian genocide — and the stray cat who served as a guardian angel.

Just as Serbian tanks rolled into her town of Bihac, Amra’s family was saddled with a stray cat, one they couldn’t afford and almost turned away.  But the cat was serendipitous, providing comfort in the darkest of times…and even saving lives.

This is a story of unwavering determination, friendships and first love, amid the brutality of war, and a cat that was that the heart of it all.

Join us for a chat about this book!  Copies are available if you need them.  Register yourself and your bestie HERE.