Category: Youth Summer Reading

ADVENTURES with Sharpie Tie-Dye (Ages 3+) Monday, 7/22/24 at 4:30 PM

It’s fun and easy! All you need is white or light colored fabric (we suggest canvas shoes, t-shirts, socks, etc.) and some sharpies to create beautiful works of art. Draw your favorite doodle or make fun designs with your favorite color sharpies. Once you’re satisfied, add some rubbing alcohol and watch the magic happen! You’ll be creating your own unique style in no time. Sharpies in a multitude of colors… Read more

ADVENTURES in Painting with Pixie Yates (Youth): Wednesday, 7/10/24- TWO CLASSES

Pixie will guide children using watercolor painting in a mat frame that they can paint on. This is an expressive art project using, tape, watercolor paints, printing, and salt. Unlock the adventure in your children’s imagination by signing them up for this class. Please be mindful of the age grouping. Kimball Library cardholders will have priority. 4 PM– Register kids entering grades K-5 6 PM– Register kids ages 10 and… Read more

ADVENTURES in Doodles and Drawing (Ages 8+): Tuesday, 7/9/24 starting at 3 PM (DROP-IN)

For many, drawing can be an extremely relaxing practice. Create your own characters or learn from the masters. Stop in to the Children’s Room where we will have all kinds of zentangles to color and how-to-draw books to practice your skills with. Registration is not required for this event. Drop in anytime between 3-5 PM and leave when you must. This is an Adventure Begins at Your Library Summer Reading… Read more

ADVENTURES with Wildlife Encounters (All Ages): Wednesday, 6/26/24 at 6 PM

Our friends at Wildlife Encounters Ecology and Wellness Center will return this year with a selection of live animals in the Library Courtyard to educate and delight you! Wildlife Encounters’ live-animal outreach programs are educational, interactive, and fun! Their educator will lead the group on an “imaginary safari around the world!” Meet animals whose ancestors lived in a variety of habitats and places on Earth, while discovering their amazing adaptations,… Read more

ADVENTURES in Brown Bag Book Club (Grades 3-5): Thursday, 6/20/24 at 6 PM

It’s the popular Brown Bag Book Club for kids in Grade 3-5!  Bring food in a brown bag and be ready for talking! Drinks and treats will be served, so get your book and join us! Books can be picked up in the children’s room. June: The Mouse with the Question Mark Tail  by Richard Peck. He is a bit of a misfit, as he is shorter than the other… Read more

ADVENTURES with Magic Fred! Summer Reading Kick-Off Event: Tuesday, 6/18/24 at 6 PM

We are so excited to announce our 2024 SUMMER READING KICK-OFF SHOW with Magic Fred! Due to the intense heat index we will meet inside. Seating capacity inside is 105 and children have priority. Please bring bottled water. Get ready for Magic Fred’s high energy magic and comedy show packed full of fun and surprises with a lot of audience participation!  Invite your friends and neighbors to register as well… Read more

ADVENTURES in LEGO Challenges (Ages 3+): Monday, 7/1/24 from 1 – 7 PM

We’ll have the Lego drawer unlocked for our talented builders. Drop-in anytime between 1-7 PM and see what you can build. Need some ideas? We’ve got you covered. We’ll have several challenges for you to try out. Registration is not necessary for this program. Parents please be advised that the Duplos will be put away. This is NOT an activity for children under the age of 3 without supervision.… Read more