“A Soldier’s Mother Tells Her Story” will be presented by Sharon Wood of Claremont, speaking as Betsey Phelps, the mother of a Union soldier from Amherst, New Hampshire. She blends the story of Charles Phelps, who died heroically at the Battle of Gettysburg, with that of other men who left their New Hampshire homes to fight for the Union cause. Speaking from a mother’s perspective, she also speaks about the families who supported their boys from the home front.
Sharon has presented this program throughout the state for more than twenty years and has developed it to include the experiences of Union soldiers from many New Hampshire towns and cities. A retired librarian and former kindergarten teacher, she also enjoys acting and directing in local community theater groups and has helped to produce storytelling festivals and cemetery walks. Sharon and her husband Steve are members of the New Hampshire Storytelling Alliance, Northeast Storytelling, the Association of Lincoln Presenters and Solo Together, a consortium of living history presenters.
*This event is made possible by a grant from New Hampshire Humanities and hosted by the Friends of the Kimball Library. For more information about the New Hampshire Humanities please visit: https://www.nhhumanities.org