Tag: Animals

Curious Creatures (Register Gr. K-5): Wednesday, 11/13/24 at 6 PM

Curious Creatures provides experienced and professional exhibitors who teach respect and appreciation for exotic and unusual animals. Their presentation is hands-on and interactive. They include interesting facts and stories about the creatures in an educational and entertaining environment. They bring 6 animals to all of the events: baby alligator, snake, tortoise, rabbit, bearded dragon and a chinchilla. The exhibitor chooses 2-4 other animals on the day of the event. The… Read more

Talkin Turkeys: Tuesday, November 19th at 6 PM

Learn about turkey biology, behavior, the history of wild turkeys in New Hampshire and the reintroduction of turkeys into the state. The wild turkey population represents one of the greatest wildlife conservation success stories in the state’s history. About the presenter: Andrew Timmins has worked for the NH Fish and Game Department as a wildlife biologist for 30 years.  His career with the agency started in the southwest region of… Read more

ADVENTURES with Wildlife Encounters (All Ages): Wednesday, 6/26/24 at 6 PM

Our friends at Wildlife Encounters Ecology and Wellness Center will return this year with a selection of live animals in the Library Courtyard to educate and delight you! Wildlife Encounters’ live-animal outreach programs are educational, interactive, and fun! Their educator will lead the group on an “imaginary safari around the world!” Meet animals whose ancestors lived in a variety of habitats and places on Earth, while discovering their amazing adaptations,… Read more

Marine Mammal Rescue with Ron Watson ~ Thursday, 1/11/24 at 6 PM

All marine mammals are protected under the Marine Mammal Protection Act. Some are also protected under the Endangered Species Act and the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora. The Marine Mammal Protection Act was enacted by the federal government on October 21, 1972 and fulfilling this requirement, the Seacoast Science Center Marine Mammal Rescue staffs and responds to all reports of marine mammals that… Read more