A Closer Look at Chipmunks and Squirrels with the Mass Audubon – ZOOM REGISTER
Wednesday, October 9th from 10:30 – 11:30 AM
It’s hard to miss the fall frenzy, and sometimes humorous antics, of chipmunks and squirrels scurrying across forests and backyards in search of food for winter storage. Take a closer look at their lives and learn about the different members of the squirrel family. Discover the ecological roles that squirrels play in food webs and forest regeneration, and you’ll look at these common critters with newfound appreciation. Led by Patti Steinman, the Education Coordinator for Mass Audubon’s Connecticut River Valley Sanctuaries. She has worked at Mass Audubon for 30 years, developing and overseeing programs for adults, families, and children.
Environmental & Health Benefits of a Plant-Based Diet – ZOOM REGISTER
Monday, October 21st from 7:00 – 8:00 PM
Meat production and commercial fishing consume lots of natural resources while generating significant amounts of pollution. Learn how to minimize your environmental impact – and benefit your health – with a plant-based diet. Led by Sara Sezun, a volunteer of the Sierra Club Massachusetts Chapter and Founder and Chair of their Plant-based Planet Team.