Curious Creatures (Register Gr. K-5): Wednesday, 11/13/24 at 6 PM

Curious Creatures provides experienced and professional exhibitors who teach respect and appreciation for exotic and unusual animals. Their presentation is hands-on and interactive. They include interesting facts and stories about the creatures in an educational and entertaining environment.

They bring 6 animals to all of the events: baby alligator, snake, tortoise, rabbit, bearded dragon and a chinchilla. The exhibitor chooses 2-4 other animals on the day of the event. The other animals will be a mystery that will only be known if you come. The children usually sit near the staging close enough to hear the fun facts and then are given a chance to touch or hold the animals. The Library can’t wait to host this again and work with the AWCC!

Registration is limited to 50 children currently in grades K-5. Don’t delay in signing up on our online calendar.  Kimball Library card holders will have access to registration until a week before the event. If the event is then not full, we will take away the need to register with a Kimball Library card. Adults can write N/A where it asks what grade you are in.

You may use THIS LINK to register.

This very exciting event is sponsored by the very generous Atkinson Women’s Civic Club. Be sure to thank them when you see them!